jñānena tu tad ajñānam yeṣāṃ nāśitam ātmanaḥ | teṣām ādityavaj jñānaṃ prakāśayati tat param
“As the sun dispels darkness and illuminates everything, so divine knowledge destroys ignorance and reveals the transcendental Absolute Truth.” — Bhagavad-Gītā 5.16    


The content of these pages is mainly based on the following works:

Bhagavad-Gītā as it is, A.C. Bkaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Śrīmad Bhagavad-Gītā, Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami

Srimad Bhagavad-Gita, B. R. Sridhar Goswami

Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Caitanya-Caritāmṛta, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Mahābhārata (English translation of the 100000 verses in 13 volumes), M. Ganguli

Brahmā-Saṃhitā, Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura

Brahmā-Saṃhitā, Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami

Manu-Saṃhitā (engl. translation), Georg Bühler

Jaiva-dharma, Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur

Bhagavad-sandarbha, Srila Jiva Goswami

Śrī Īśopaṇiṣad, A.C. Bkaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Caraka-Saṃhitā, P. Sharma

All the works listed – except Caraka-Saṃhitā – can be downloaded free of charge from the internet. Of the Mahābhārata, Sanskrit versions and Latin transliterations and Mohan Ganguli's great work of complete translation into English are downloadable from the internet.